Monday, February 18, 2013

I really did it!

Two workouts in one day. I haven't done that since I was like 20...if ever. I feel so great.

First, a 45 minute run/walk in which I smoked my treadmill 5k time. It felt so good! I mean, I felt great throughout the entire workout. Strong and fast. I left with a smile on my face. Came home, showered, and decided to go looking for some new workout gear. I got myself a latte and perused the clearance rack at Old Navy (nothing good). When I got back in my car I started it up and saw this:

Oops, waited too long to get gas. I swear I had 30 miles till empty when I parked! I was definitely more than 0 miles from a gas station. I'm telling you, I almost pooped my pants. But I made it! I'll never push it that far again. Especially since my dad just stopped paying my AAA membership. 

Anyway, I spent the rest of the afternoon psyching myself up for yoga this evening. I'm going to be honest, I was scared. It had been four years since I had my butt on a mat and I had blown it up in my head to be this hard, scary thing. Then when I got to the studio every single lady had a lululemon logo somewhere on her body and I was like,  when did yoga become so status? I swear it wasn't like that before. But I walked myself into that studio in my TJ Maxx yoga capris and after the first "om" it didn't even matter because I was simulatenously overjoyed and pissed at myself for staying away so long. 

Something my sister says pretty frequently, a phrase which I have adopted and passed on to others, is "be brave." She says it to her two year old and she says it to me, probably in equal measure. We both need to be told. At the end of yoga, the teacher asked us to choose a quality or trait to put on and wear for the week. I chose, of course, bravery. It's kind of a theme right now. I'm really proud of how brave I was today. 

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