Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A week of Simply Filling

My mom was in town for a long weekend and we had such a great time eating, drinking, and shopping. We did some serious damage in all three areas, actually. Enough damage that my wallet is a little skinnier, and my waistline, well...let's just say I checked my bank balance but I didn't step on the scale.

To jump-start myself after a few days off the wagon, I'm going to use the Simply Filling plan until my next weigh in. If you've used Weight Watchers before you might remember this as the old Core plan. Basically, you eat any and all foods from the Power Foods list, in quantities limited only by your fullness or satisfaction. If you want to eat foods that aren't on the list, you have to use earned activity points or your allotted weekly points allowance. The Power Foods are most fruits and vegetables (yes to any kind of potato, no to avocados), most lean proteins, some whole grains, and fat-free dairy (none for me, thanks. ew.). I think a Simply Filling week will help me refocus; I've become really lazy about counting my points and I sometimes feel a little burnt out by all the meal planning, which has led me to make some poor choices. This way, I have a fridge stocked full of healthy food and I can eat a little more intuitively based on what's available to me. We'll see how it works. If it doesn't I can switch back over to good old point-counting at any time. According to my leader, you can switch back and forth every day if you want.

And, of course, I'll have my behind back in the gym tomorrow. I ended up getting sick as a dog last week- fevers at night, sweats and chills during the day, sore throat and massive congestion. It was ugly. I took an entire week off from working out and the hardest part of tomorrow will be walking through that gym door. But I will do it! Forty minute run/walk plus maybe some extra walking or stair climbing is on the menu. It's time to really crank it up at the gym. Like to the tune of maybe working out after work, at 8 p.m., at least one day a week. Because going to the gym after work is a mental challenge I haven't overcome, and I'd like to.

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