Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sanctuaries. And my haircut.

I was so disappointed when I left the salon today. She did alllll these layers around my face and I totally felt like I had The Rachel, circa 1996. You know, picture this one, but with side bangs:

But I took some pictures of myself and worked it out. The one of me smiling is because I realized it wasn't The Rachel, and it really just looks like my hair always did, but without the fried ends. 

I went to a yoga class this evening with my favorite teacher, but at a location I'd never been to before. When I walked in, I was disappointed- there were spin bikes all pushed up against the front wall and a big TRX frame right in the center of the room, forcing me to put my mat right between a steel beam and a row of kettlebells. It was drafty rather than warm and toasty. Not very zen. I resigned myself to a less than stellar class and figured I just wouldn't come to this location anymore.

The Universe, as usual, proved me wrong. We spent extra time in "upside-down" poses, which are usually pretty uncomfortable for me. I read somewhere a long time ago that if certain yoga poses, like inversions or backbends, are difficult or uncomfortable it's because they are opening areas that store difficult emotions for you as an individual. I like to think that's true. I don't know what I store that's released when I'm upside down, but there's something about it that makes me a little fight-or-flighty. But tonight I made huge progress in plow and crow and even worked a little further towards headstand. I felt very brave. At the end, the teacher read my mind and summed it up perfectly: "it's not pretty green grass that makes a sanctuary, it's the state of your mind." I was sure that I was going to fail because I didn't like the room I was practicing in, but once I was able to focus and quiet my mind, that drafty room became a sanctuary. I'm going to try to take that lesson with me through the rest of my workweek. 

Oh, and P.S.: After my run this morning, I saw a RIDICULOUS number on the scale. So close to being under 200. I'm excited. 

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